July Update

by | Jul 29, 2020

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Greetings to you and yours!

As our world and nation have been in a season of uncertainty and chaos, we hold on to hope, clinging to our King Jesus and declaring His goodness in the world we live in. We stand on the truth that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. (John 1:5)

We feel a wave of the Lord about to crash over our world. There is revival in hearts. He is doing a new thing. (Isaiah 43:19) It’s almost as though the body of Christ was lulled into a deep sleep, and we are all now awakening to what seems so obvious. It’s good news. Very good news.

HER Refuge Update

This last half year has been one of the brightest, hardest, and most impactful seasons we have walked in since the beginning of the HER Campaign. With every day came new challenges and opportunities for growth and deeper intimacy with our Lord to carry us through. In the last six months, we had three survivors living in the HER Refuge, and we temporarily lost Anjali, our Communications Director, when she had her baby boy at 26 weeks gestation. Thank you to everyone who warred over them during that hard time. We are so HAPPY that Luca, Anjali, and Robert are now doing awesome. Please continue to lift them up in prayer as they follow up with doctors’ appointments and trips to Denver Children’s Hospital.

The survivors we had in the home the last six months with our family of five were a joy and honor to stand beside in the journey of healing, even through its trials and challenges. Two of our girls have recently graduated our residential program and have stepped into lives of independence, continuing the journey of healing, but walking in so much freedom. We are still in contact with our third girl and cheering her on as she continues her journey to healing within a partner organization. This group of women in particular worked their way into our hearts in a big way. It has been bittersweet for us and especially for our three kids to see them move on from our program. Please keep our kiddos in prayer as they process through deeply missing our “dream team,” as these three have been affectionately dubbed.

Hope Line

We successfully launched our HOPE Line, a volunteer run hotline for victims and survivors to receive access to next steps. We have partnered with the Salvation Army to put up a HOPE Line Billboard on the Southside of Billings (lower income housing community) to spread the word and hopefully reach the vulnerable and those being victimized. In the past six months, we have held two trauma-informed trainings and have 13 incredible volunteers to encourage and direct callers to necessary resources.

Hope Institute

In the midst of social distancing, we were still able to hold multiple awareness and direct care trainings online through our HOPE Institute, who’s mission is to create a trauma-informed community. We partnered with other local organizations and non-profits who are breaking barriers in the community to help serve the vulnerable and marginalized.

Organization Growth

In the last couple of months, we have gone from a team of three to a team of seven! Sammy and I have prayed since the start of the organization that the right people would come alongside us on the journey of helping women heal, grow, and find purpose. I choke up on the regular these days seeing how God has answered that prayer in overflowing measures. This team is beyond and has already begun to help solidify the foundation of the organization for the long haul. At the beginning of this new season I heard the Lord say, “Get ready to break glass ceilings in the HER Campaign.” 

We are ready, with hands open for what He has in store next. He is outpouring vision of new things: new processes, new developments, new ways of doing things to take our program further and to help more survivors stepping out of human trafficking.

We Need Your Help

Thank you, always, for your continued support and prayers. We feel that we are at a “coming of age” season at the HER Campaign and are excited for what is ahead. As we continue to grow, our needs also grow. We are asking for 250 new generous donors to donate $88/month, to FULLY cover our monthly operating costs and help us house more women moving forward. If you feel led to be a part, you can go to our website at www.hercampaign.org and click the “donate” button to access our easy donation page. You can also send a check via the enclosed envelope.

Thank you for investing in women’s lives and furthering the Kingdom work that God is doing through the HER Campaign.

Britney Higgs
Founder/Executive Director

“May the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

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